Wednesday 20 June 2012

Part 2: The Emotional Rollercoaster -- The No Go..

A random convo began a night with the statement "Men, hear?" Said as a means of expressing the act of surrendering to the inability to understand men, their ways and their reasons behind these ways, and almost simultaneously the response to this expression was "we could almost say the same for women." Needless to say that statement then evolved into a discussion or more so a debate on the short-comings of the sexes. The males all agreed that women are extroverts, they like to ask too many questions, expressing feelings too much, they think too much which then leads them to worry too much. The question was then posed, couldn't all that then be eliminated if men would simply share their feelings more, make it easier for women to understand men? There would be no need for the questions, thinking so much, or to worry. The response given was "why would i want to do that? I tell you what you need to know, everything else is irrelevant. Women want to know too much and all of the information is not necessary sometimes." Another question was posed, If it is relationships are about compromise, all effort is to be divided 50/50 in order to make the relationship work, why if I am an extrovert and you are an introvert it is impossible for you to meet me half way in order for us to meet on some level ground? It was plainly stated that if men told women all they want to hear and all they want to know they would be the one giving constantly, giving their heart, mind and soul and getting nothing in return.  It may be seen as feminist or a sexist comment for me to say that from what I have seen and heard men are only willing to meet the emotional needs of women to a certain extent and only when it is beneficial for them. Which is entirely ironic because women are always expected to meet the needs of men whether it is physically, emotionally, mentally. A man could never say (in the event that he has a girlfriend or wife that really cares) that she would never go all out to please him, it is just that these acts are sometimes considered "suffocating". So... about that statement "... women are always expected to meet the needs of men whether it is physically, emotionally, mentally," (To be continued....)

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