Monday 18 June 2012

A Glimpse of the Mind of a Girl - Prt 1

People would determine its easy being a woman in today's age. Because of our capabilities; brain, bron, bodies... we have the necessary keys to unlock those doors to success. However, i beg to differ... we live in a society where even though women are liberated, and excelling in all different areas: academically, or career wise, we are still expected to be submissive to the dominant sex - men. Be the woman your man wants, support him, his dreams, ambitions and life would go exactly the way you want it. Fact is even though some women may be indeptly successful and independent they're still burdened by such a social constraint as offeriority. Granted, God made Adam then he made Eve from Adam, woman was made in man's own image, to be his partner but yet not his equal. Numerous authors have constructed different perceptions of females, Shakespeare in his tragedy Hamlet, 'Frailty thy name is woman' - blatantly implying women are weak, not only physically but weak-minded. John Milton portrayed the character of Eve in his poem Paradise Lost as vain, naive, gullible - that she fell for flattery from the serprent, stubborn as she wouldnt listen to her husband... and one thing that Shakespeare and Milton share in common was that the female characters always caused the destruction and chaos within the plot everytime they tried to exalt a sense of independence and have an input on any dire situation at hand.  Chaucer in Canterbury Tales - portrays the wife of bath - an opportunist, who uses her sexual allure and abilities to charm the hearts of men to accumulate riches. Modern times, uses women as sex symbols in music videos, commercials, movies, in skimpy clothing ... and that is what men have come to see women as in this day and age. I'm not saying they're all wrong... women are emotionally driven, sometimes gullible,vain and submissive under whatever circumstances, but really is that all we are? Someone to please men, keep their bed warm at night, help them by doing domestic duties - basically being their second mother? This is surely the opinion some would give in these times. It would be fair to say that most men in these times would prefer women to be physically, mentally as well as emotionally submissive, and life would be alot easier, and I base this on the input of young men I've recently been in contact with.

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